1. About the Development
1.1. Motivation
Sovereignty will have to be achieved on two different levels:
1.1.1. System level
We - at sziller.eu - want to build a modular smart-home system on fully open-source basis. Our goal is to enable full control over Your home: providing You with the necessary framework to develop a truly custom-made intelligent home, enabling self developed solutions, or rely on a community developed solutions. A Home in this context is regarded as one sovereign interconnected system, where - though modular in architecture - parts of the infrastructure can intaract with eachother, use each-others measurements, computational results. As we deal with brick-and-mortar buildings, at the edge of this project you’ll always find mostly physical systems, (peripherals) such as:
switches (relais)
enegry sources
1.1.2. Control level
We strive to achieve as much decentralization and sovereignty as possible. The User of this project - You - should never have to rely on 3rd parties.
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Sovereignty is hard to achieve. You obviously can anytime use 3rd party software if you choose to. |
1.2. Technology
The Project intends to be usable from step 0. Right at the moment You download the server, You should be good to go. Then - as you’re ready to invest more resources - build up a more complex system module-by-module according to your preferences. Thus, the entire SmrtHome my Castle Project is organized to be modular regarding both development and deployment
1.2.1. Functionality modules
find detailed list here: <<>> We concentrate on residential buildings/ apartments. This choice more-or-less determines the functionality we target. Here are some examles we are currently implementing:
Room climate manager
environmental measurements
controlling local heating, humidity, lights, other appiances
Observatory center at entrance
environmental measurements
optical measurement
image recognition
controlling lights, locking systems
Food production manager
Bitcoin wallet
possible monetization of your resources
Central heating management
reading measurements provided by multiple Nodes
Solar energy generation
1.2.2. Hardware modules
The project is built with RaspberryPi computing hardware (simply: Nodes) in mind.
We also make use of RaspberryPi related peripherals such as SenseHat, Raspberry Cameras.
When it comes to Node demand of your setup, you need to consider: Functions may occupy a Node by their own,
or may share a Node with other modules. We basically create a mesh network of Nodes inside a building/ apartment.
Nodes are placed in several different locations strategically in the building/ apartment.
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Thus, setting up a Live Project is not only an IT decision. You need to look at your floorplan, energy-bills, building-construction, kids, lifestyle. You might actually want to consult an Architect with a technlogical touch. |
1.2.3. Software modules
Most of the Functions receive their own Python Package. So you can install them as you go along. We also encourage you to contribute in the development. Here is a grouping of Packages based on their interaction with physical systems:
Central Node at the core of your System enabling you to deal with remote communication, with handling shared Databases. -
Node managing software:
Basic functionality running on Nodes. Client taks, local DB or file handling. Even possible local server tasks. -
measurement management:
Some Nodes are responsible to measure and to provide measured data to the system. -
peripheral management:
Some Nodes control Relais, some manage LED displays -
background Engines:
In case of more complex Functionality specific Engines are running locally - on dedicated Nodes.- Timing
The system being a mesh network of uncontrolled size/ number of Nodes, is designed to be a sluggish one. In order to be robust, redundant, safe, we prioritize these features over swiftness. We will optimize local processes for fast action, speed however will not be a priority when it comes to communication between nodes.
The communication between Nodes may or may not happen over shared Databases, or direct socket connections.
2. Function modules
As of now, the following repositories are being developed. If you cannot access some, that means, these are not opened up for public development yet. Please be patient!
Complex food production unit-
_aquaponics: github.com/sziller/_aquaponics
_aquaponics_server: github.com/sziller/_aquaponics_server
_aquaponics_app: github.com/sziller/_aquaponics_app
Raspi Observatory:
Entrance controlling system-
_raspi_observatory: github.com/sziller/_raspi_observatory
_raspi_observatory_server: github.com/sziller/_raspi_observatory_server
Raspi RoomManager:
_raspi_roommanager: github.com/sziller/_raspi_roommanager
_raspi_roommanager_server: github.com/sziller/_raspi_roommanager_server
3. README: _raspi_smarthome_server
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Keep in mind! As the development can be used in different scopes, you may not have to deal with most of the factors we
list below.
When setting up your SmartHome using the Entire feature set of the SmartHome my Castle Development, proceed as listed below:
Design your smart home setup, based on building architecture, building hardware conditions, set of physical systems you want to monitor or controll. Ideally, you should consult your Building Architect and Construction Engineer to incorporate relevant decisions right from the beginning of the building design process.
Install computer hardware, sensors, robots where they are needed, where these can work optimally. They sould be practically accessible to you, but not necessarly to unauthorized, unwarranted or even incompetent people. Mind necessary power supply, network connection, WiFi coverge, Provider-router access, cooling/ ventillation, etc.
Make sure the is network connection possible between system parts on hardware level/ router level. -
Establish IT connection between parts of the Development, and connection between development and the outside world. Mind your DHCP, set up logical IP settings, Port system. Check necessary Port forwarding, check Internet connectivity. Allow secure connection using HTTPS.
Install OS' onto RaspberryPis. Install necessary hardware mounted and controlled by Nodes. Enable and prepare SSH connections. (needed for both local connection and GitHub repo access): Create secure keypairs, use password protected keys. -
Download, install and run necessary software (e.g.: Server with routers, Message Handlers, Engines) To to so, clone repos, setup git environments.
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This README section of the document only deals with Point D - the software part of the Development. It is necessary to handle the software in the context of the entire system, as highlighted here at shmc.sziller.eu. |
Find a detailed description of SmartHome my Castle under: shmc.sziller.eu
3.1. repository
Find actual project repo under: github.com/sziller/_raspi_smarthome_server
3.2. whom and what for?
Version: v0.0.0
Modular open-source SmartHome application for self-sovereign
3.3. how do I get started?
You will need to rename and update the following files:
must be renamed toconfig.py
! -
must be renamed toconfig_prv
! -
must be renamed to.env
3.3.1. Summary of set up
3.3.2. Configuration
3.3.3. Dependencies
Not much, other than what’s listed above.
Run it on a Linux system, mind requirements, and use the lib
directory to install additional packages.
3.3.4. Database configuration
3.3.5. How to run tests
3.3.6. Deployment instructions
3.3.7. Entry Point
Use one of the following Pyhton3 scripts to run the Server:
- instantiating a wrapped-class to run the server -
- a function based server start - more of a tutorial style code-branch
All config.py
and .env
contents are compatible with both Entry-Points.
Use our checklist in order to start up a given Node: Node start-up
3.4. how can you contribute?
Writing tests
Code review
Comments on architecture or development decisions
Possible refactoring ideas
4. Node start-up
This is a quick, step-by-step description on how to activate a well-set-up Node.
4.1. turn on Node
Assuming each of the units are headless:
turn on Raspberry / restart if running or having issues
check IP address
check if local area network sees hardware and doublecheck IP
ping IP from one of the locally connected Nodes
4.2. access Node
establish connection to Node
4.2.1. ssh
If you want to access any of the Nodes using ssh, enter:
ssh <username>@<ip-address>
Then you enter the password realted to <username>.
In the SHMC development we stick to username = pi
as this is the default Raspberry username.
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Passwords have been changed! For local ssh login you need a different password to the one stored with id_rsa! |
4.2.2. remote desktop
…to be extended…
4.2.3. telnet
…to be extended…
4.3. start tmux
Once logged in,
create and activate
session:tmux new -d -s <serversession> tmux attach -t <serversession>
4.4. start https
Inside the tmux
, to forward and certify https requests:sudo systemctl start nginx
4.5. start server
If you want to run the server in venv:
Switch to local virtual environment! Then…
activate virtual environment
source ./venv/bin/activate
Run the server, picking one of the EntryPoints…
…either from a terminal, allowing reload on changes:
uvicorn serverClass_SHMC:server --reload uvicorn serverFunction_SHMC:server --reload
…or by running one of the Python wrapper scripts:
pyhton3 APP_srv_cl.py pyhton3 APP_srv_fn.py
as <app> is a sub-api mounted under <server> when starting <server>, <app> also starts.
API included here is - as of now - mosty describint <app> - the sub-api.
So to access the docs of <app> you need to add the '/app' prefix.
(or redefine in config.py
under APP_PATH)
5. FastAPI
5.1. Install framework
This should be installed on the system itself, NOT only in virtual environment. However: If you use it from venv, and want to have it in the venv, you can install it into the venv!
pip install "fastapi[all]"
5.2. Swagger
Use Swagger simplified Frontend to demo, test and dev-use default Endpoints:
(substitute IP:PORT to match your .env
settings, under SRV_IP and SRV_PORT)
Currently, API of <app> is documanted under:
5.3. Online
{"access_token":"---","expires_in":300,"refresh_expires_in":1800,"refresh_token":"---","token_type":"Bearer", "not-before-policy":0,"session_state":"xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx","scope":"email profile"}
also, CORS needed to be added to the browser Back to Smart Home my Castle